"Kujang" the Sacred Weapon of Sunda

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The Pride
Kujang become the pride of West Java and Banten community. To preserve it, the typical weapon was used as the symbol for the institution, whether government or private. This is an effort to preserve the value - the value of history contained therein. 
Use of name and emblem is of course because “Kujang” have privileges. In addition to a unique weapon which is not found in other regions, these objects are also considered sacred by some communities in Sunda. 
As a weapon of Sundanese heritage, Kujang symbolizes strength and courage for someone to protect the rights and truth. This is what has always instilled the ancestor of the Sundanese.

In the discourse and Indonesia cultural treasures, Kujang has been recognized as a traditional weapon of West Java citizens or Sundanese (Sunda), and have magical powers. Some researchers claim that the term Kujang, derived from the word: Kudihyang (Kudi and Hyang).
Kudi taken from 'Old Sundanese language,' which means the weapon has supernatural power of magic, a talisman, as against disaster, such as to repel the enemy or avoid danger/disease. These weapons are also kept as heirlooms, which are used to protect houses from danger by putting it in a crate or a particular place in the house, or to put it on the bed. While Hyang can be aligned with the sense God in some mythology.
In general, Kujang has the meaning as heirlooms that have a certain strength that comes from the Gods (= Hyang), and as a weapon since ancient to the present. Kujang occupies a very special position among West Java (Sunda) people.
As an emblem or symbol with philosophical values contained therein, Kujang used as one of aesthetics in some emblem of the organization and administration; in addition, Kujang was used also as a name of various organizations, unity, and of course, used also by local government of West Java Province, Indonesia.
In the past, Kujang not be separated from the life of the Sundanese people, because its function as an agricultural tool. But now, with the development progress, technological, cultural, social, and economic Sundanese people, Kujang also experienced growth and a shift in form, function and meaning. From an agricultural equipment, Kujang evolve into objects having an individual character and tends to be a weapon that has a sacred value.
I think, as a traditional weapon that has a historical and cultural value, Kujang very worthy to be recognized as a world cultural heritage of Indonesia and is recognized by UNESCO in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. 


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